This dish is perhaps one of the simplest that is cooked in my house apart from pasta in bianco if someone is sick and needs to be light. The only thing about this dish that is perhaps a little more elaborate is the preparation of the pasta. Sofia likes it so much precisely because it is very simple, even she prefers it without Parmesan, I told you that it is very plein; however, there are two very delicious things that she adores and they are Nutella and pizza which she never gives up.
Straw and hay tagliatelle
Ingredients for the yellow pasta:
200 gr of healed semolina
2 eggs
Ingredients for green pasta:
240 gr of re-milled semolina
2 eggs
70 gr of boiled spinach (about 100 gr raw)
To season:
Excellent quality butter
250 gr of raw ham
150 gr of grated Parmesan cheese
Start by boiling the spinach and purée them. Mix the semolina, the eggs and the spianci puree until you get a smooth and homogeneous dough. Wrap in cling film and let it rest. Do the same thing with the ingredients for the yellow pasta.
If you have a dough sheeter, roll the dough and then cut the tagliatelle, otherwise go with a rolling pin, roll the dough out and after drying it a little, make the tagliatelle.
Pot over a fire with plenty of water and bring to a boil. In the meantime, melt the butter in a pan and add the raw ham cut into strips.
When the water comes to a boil, add salt and drop the tagliatelle. Since they are fresh they will be ready as soon as they rise to the surface, pour it while keeping the glass of cooking water aside and dip them in the butter and ham. Mix well, turn off the heat and add the Parmesan. Now enjoy the simplicity of this dish.